
General Information

The information posted on this site is intended to disclose corporate information of SmkGlace.LCC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").
While the Company exercises due care in converting data for publication, please note that errors may occur in the information due to unauthorized alterations by third parties, mechanical malfunctions, or other force majeure events.
The information posted on this site is current as of the date of publication. Please be aware that the information may differ from the date of your search.

Guarantees and Limitations of Liability

The use of this site is at the user's own risk. Although the documents, photos, illustrations, videos, software, links, and other information on this site are carefully created and managed, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of all information. Please be aware of this in advance.
The Company may change all or part of the content on this site without prior notice to customers. Furthermore, the Company does not guarantee that the site will be updated.
The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from information obtained from this site. Additionally, the Company assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from the use of information obtained from other sites linked to this site.
There may be times when this site cannot be used normally due to communication environments, the user's computer environment, or other reasons.
The Company may suspend or discontinue this site without prior notice to customers.

Copyrights and Other Rights

The documents, photos, illustrations, videos, software, etc. on this site are protected by copyrights, patents, trademarks, and other rights owned by the Company or licensed from rightful owners.
You may display, reproduce, print, etc. the documents, photos, illustrations, videos, software, etc. on this site, provided that they are not reused in environments accessible to third parties, are not used for commercial purposes, and are limited to personal use. However, modification is not permitted. Additionally, even in cases where use is limited to personal use, deletion of any copyright or other rights notices is not permitted.
The Company does not grant any third party copyrights, patents, trademarks, or any other rights.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This site is managed by the Company. It is accessible from all over the world; however, both the users who access this site and the Company agree that the use of this site is governed by the laws of Japan.
The Company does not make any representations or warranties that the content on this site is appropriate for the environment of those accessing the site. Access to this site is at the free will of those accessing it, and they assume responsibility for its use.
All disputes related to the use of this site shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Nagoya District Court or the Nagoya Summary Court as the court of first instance, unless otherwise specified.


Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a user's browser for the effective operation of the internet, such as allowing easier login to services by identifying the user's computer. The Company may use cookies to customize the website to individual users' needs, improve the content of the website, and enhance services provided. Users can refuse to receive cookies or display warnings when cookies are received by configuring their browser settings. However, this may restrict the use of personalized functions. Please refer to your browser's help section for information on how to configure cookie settings.

Disclaimer Regarding Social Media

The information transmitted by the Company on the following accounts includes the opinions of the individuals posting and does not necessarily represent the views of the Company.
The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, or completeness of the information posted on the following accounts.
The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the information posted on the following accounts by users.
The Company assumes no responsibility for comments posted by users on the following accounts.
Copyrights for the content of posts belong to the users who made the posts; however, by posting, users grant the Company the exclusive right to use the posted content (including modification, excerpt, reproduction, publication, translation, etc.) free of charge worldwide and agree not to exercise moral rights of authorship in relation to the Company's use of such content.
The following accounts are operated by the systems of the respective service providers. Therefore, the Company cannot respond to inquiries regarding the operational status of the systems related to the respective service providers. Additionally, the Company cannot respond to technical questions regarding the functions, usage, or software and apps provided by the respective service providers and third parties.

Revised July 8, 2024